座落於青翠山谷中的「 靈山 」山麓下 ( 有著名的觀光登山步道 ) 花葉扶疏,環境幽美,庭園中擺置許多陶壁藝術,緊鄰著美濃開基伯公,這裡是 280 年前祖先首先來開墾、落腳立基之處。稟著客家人刻苦耐勞堅毅的個性,創辦人朱邦雄博士於1987年將陶磁業帶回故鄉,在這個素無陶瓷工業的環境裡,非常艱辛地紮根、推展陶藝事業,為故鄉打造出藝術新形象,創立文化與觀光產業相接合的新契機,這種氣象影響所及,讓許多年輕的有知之士競相還鄉共襄盛舉;更從爾開始催生了「
陶壁公共藝術 」的新名詞,立下新的藝術形象,在當前全世界風行的公共藝術領域中為台灣做出重大的貢獻,因此提到「美濃窯」就是陶壁公共藝術的代名詞。

Located in Meinung, Kaohusiung, under Mountain Ling and the blessing of Shrine of Kaiji Land Deity,
Meinung Yao inherits every good quality of Hakka culture. Having no ceramic industries.

it was tough for Dr. Chu to introduce and popularize the beauty of ceramics at first. However, with unflinching passion, not only has he established the ceramic industry with his bare hands, he also coined the term "
public ceramic relief mural", allowing Taiwan to join famous public art trend all over the world. Hence, it is fair to say that Meinung Yao is the term for public ceramic relief murals and its origin.
Dr. Chu addressed the idea of cultural and creative industries 30 years ago. His intention of integrating the capital structures all over Taiwan by creating large ceramic murals is still unprecedented. As with the mental aspect, Dr. Chu shows his love for his hometown Meinung by popularizing the ceramic mutuals. His works are just like his heart, tremedious and full of tension. His unique and spendid public ceramic relief murals are all over Taiwan. Dr. Chu has been creating until now without a pause.
As an open artistic space, Meinung Yao provides tourists from all over the world oppotunities to see the creating process of large ceramic creation. The tremendous scene and the speracular artistic viewing often touch the audience to the heart by personally experiencing the creative ideas and the rarely seen artistic dynamics.
「美濃窯」呈現的陶壁都是 朱邦雄的藝術作品。 設計與創作是朱博士一生的藝術志業;源源不絕的創意與如何累積思想及心靈智慧,皆是他常述說的課題,常來美濃窯的客人或學子們,有機會聆聽這難得的經驗分享也是他向大眾推廣美學教育的方式。其作品除了大型的陶壁公共藝術之外,也創作適合裝置於一般住宅、別墅的小型陶壁藝術;和許多精絕的陶藝作品,讓愛好陶磁藝術的蒐藏者珍藏。其產出的禮品造型、色澤、陶磁燒結技術與釉藥的呈現皆稱上品,朱邦雄博士親自精心設計製作的每一件作品皆為美濃窯藝術發揚的特色。
Dr. Chu then started to take ceramic murals into campus. Not only has he been invited as a guest professor in top tier universities in China, he also lectures for governmental and Non-governmental organizations and leading companies. His passion for PCRM and humanistic quality passes along through sharing knowledge.
Besides, He creates suitable ceramic relief murals for general residentials and villas; also designes many exquisite ceramic arts, which are on the ceramic lovers' wishlist. The shape, color, glazing techniques of ceramic arts techniques are rendering perfectly with the top grade, and each piece of works create by Dr. Chu is the best art promotion of Meinung Yao Studio.
Meinung Yao Cafe is lying in the valley of Mountain Ling , with mountains, green grass, flowers and trees, there is a beautiful natural landscape (air quality is 500 to 1200 anions), the most functional pottery wall makeup the gorgeous appearance of its look, visitors can not only cultivate art conservation, but also have coffee with exclusive proportions and special handmade cookies, it is hard to resist. Meinung Yao Cafe emphasizes "Art + Coffee," there are many expensive interior decoration of small ceramic relief murals, even the coffee table is also pottery creations. Found nowhere else, others for less, is the specialty here, because the master here is an avant-garde artist, always considerate for people who have good temperament.
Meinung Yao Studio offers visitors DIY experience, the course includes basic pottery-making skills, usage of tools and self-creation, instruct and assistant by professional teachers. Visitors can create unique works, and the process of touching soil can feel the most natural, simple fun.
公 司 : 美濃窯
電 話 : 07-6817873
傳 真 : 07-6817951
統 編 : 07905179
843 高雄市美濃區福美路496巷6號
週一 ~ 五 8:00~17:00
週六、日 9:00~17:00 ( 全年無休 )